Something Happened on the Way to the Alamo...


I ventured on down to San Antonio this weekend to attend Joan Hedley's 10th annual "Remember the Alamo" party.  It's a veritable who's who of Alamo enthusiasts, from re-enactors to politicians to a historians.  Even ole Fess Parker is known to drop in on Joan's backyard soiree when he's feeling well, with or without the coonskin cap.

When Sandra and Cid arrived and asked if I had seen Phil Collins milling about I was like, "ummm, whatever?"

But come to find out, the former drummer of Genesis has been a student of the Genesis of Texas for most of his life.

Since being involved in John Lee Hancock's movie The Alamo, I have been directing a documentary project on the stories of the lesser known defenders - those not named "Crockett," "Bowie," and "Travis" - interviewing their descendants and the extras that portrayed them in the movie.

Along with my team of researcher Ted Ground and producer Cid Galindo, we've put together quite a story.  On hiatus for the last year and a half, we're ready to dive back into it now that Cid is working his smooth magic to get Mr. Collins as our narrator:


Even though it appears that Phil is telling us to take a hike, not even Governor Perry could say no to Cid.  Phil is really just giving us all the reasons why this is a great idea.  "Reason #1..."

In the meantime, enjoy a ROUGH old trailer to the documentary: